PX platform now supports clients in Education vertical, which means you can, create, edit, clone and delete program lists and programs within Education lead campaigns.
Programs are usually the courses offered by a particular university/college to its students.
How lead flow works in Education
In Education vertical, there are the following participants of the lead flow:
- publishers that send leads containing the program list ID (optional) and program ID (mandatory).
- each buyer account represents a university, college or other educational institution, that may have 2 types of buyer campaigns:
- at least one active parent campaign - a certain faculty/campus of this university, which has its program lists (courses) and programs. Parent campaign buys leads from publishers with certain program list ID and program ID according to campaign settings and filter rules configured, and then distributes these leads to delivery endpoints using rerun functionality.
- delivery endpoint campaign(s) - usually, various departments of the university. These are paused campaigns linked to the parent one. They receive leads bought by parent campaign according to sales model and posting type configured, as well as campaign filter rules based on certain program list ID and/or program ID.
Only parent campaign pays for the leads when buying them from publishers, after which these leads are distributed among delivery endpoints with 0 Payouts.
Set the lead flow in Education vertical
Create a lead buyer and campaigns
1. Create a buyer account in EDUCATION vertical that reflects a university or college.
2.Create at least one parent lead campaign with the following attributes:
- Category - Lead
- Vertical - EDUCATION
- Type - Parent campaign (set by default for any newly created campaign)
Select other settings according to buyer configuration and save the campaign.
Parent campaigns have additional Delivery endpoints and Program lists sections in campaign settings
3. Create delivery endpoint campaign(s):
- Category - Lead
- Vertical - EDUCATION
- Type - Delivery endpoint
- Parent campaigns - select a parent campaign if you'd like to link this endpoint. You can do it later.
Select other settings according to buyer configuration and save the campaign. Create as many delivery endpoints as you need.
Be careful when you change the campaign type from Parent to Delivery endpoint and vice versa: all links between campaigns will be lost and you'll have to manually recreate them.
Link parent campaign and delivery endpoint(s)
As soon as campaigns of both types are ready, link the parent campaign to its endpoint(s).
Go to parent lead campaign settings, and follow instructions for Delivery endpoints section.
Create program list and programs
Create program lists (courses) for this campaign (faculty of the university).
Go to Parent lead campaign settings, navigate to Program lists section and click Add list:
Enter the name of the new program list and click Save.

The unique ID will is assigned to each newly created or cloned program list.
You can edit, delete or clone any program list to another parent lead campaign in Education vertical. Newly cloned program list will have another ID.
To add program(s) to the list, click Action -> Edit:
In a new pop-up, click Add program. You can add multiple programs at once by entering their names separated by commas:

Each program receives a unique ID in the platform. You can edit program name or delete any program later:

Onboard and integrate publisher(s)
- Create a publisher account in Education vertical
- Onboard and integrate the publisher to PX platform according to the publisher agreement and Education vertical specification.
- Pass to the publisher the list of program list IDs and program IDs related to the specific parent campaign (university/college).
Publishers can start sending the leads to specific parent campaigns, including the program ID as the mandatory parameter in each lead request.
Set bid and filter rules
When campaigns of both types are created and linked, they already start participate in the lead flow based on Programs configured.
If you wish to have more granular control over the lead distribution, create bid rules for Parent campaigns based on Program list ID and/or Program ID attribute:
You can also set filter rules for both campaign types:
- parent campaigns - lead distribution between publishers and campaigns;
- delivery endpoint campaigns - lead distribution between several endpoints of one parent campaign.
Trigger sales using Disposition API
In Education vertical, you can deliver the lead sold to the parent campaign to additional endpoint campaigns of the same buyer based on disposition uploaded for this lead via Disposition API.
To do this, set one of the filter rules for the endpoint campaign:
Triggered by disposition - sale will be triggered if any disposition status was uploaded.
Triggered by disposition status - sale is triggered only if specific status was uploaded.
Based on the rule you set two flows are possible.
Dispo upload trigger
1. Set Triggered by disposition filter rule for Endpoint campaign to Yes.
2. Configure API builder to pass Triggered by disposition to buyer campaign
When any disposition is uploaded for the lead, it will delivered to this endpoint campaign.
Specific status trigger
1. Set Triggered by disposition status filter rule for Endpoint campaign to the certain disposition status (for example, Sale):
2. Configure API builder to pass Triggered by disposition status to buyer campaign
If disposition status uploaded for the lead matches the one in filter rule, the lead will be delivered to this endpoint campaign. Otherwise, lead won’t be delivered to this endpoint, and
The information about such transactions is displayed in Transactions outbound report for this buyer campaign
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