Lead campaign is a set of buyer configurations created in PX platform in order to start a lead flow between particular publishers and buyer. All campaigns are easily scaled across all verticals.
To view and edit settings of the existing campaign, go to Campaigns overview, find the desired campaign and click Action -> Campaign settings.

Campaign settings page appears, including the following sections:
There are also links to configuration pages related to this campaign:
- API configuration
- Filter management
- Additional filters
- Verification services
- Bid management
- Source management
- Disposition management
- Audit log
To make changes, click Edit.
General information
General settings describe basic configurations of the campaign, which are further used in API configurations.
1. Buyer shows the name of the buyer to which this campaign belongs.
2. Campaign ID shows the unique ID of this campaign.
3. Category - select Lead category.
4. Vertical - select a market segment for this campaign.
5. Campaign name - enter the name of the campaign.
It is recommended to combine Buyer name and Vertical (e.g. BuyerNameAuto) in order to keep data organized and simplify the support process. Avoid special characters.
6. Sales model - select the sales model for the campaign (None, Exclusive, Shared, Undersold, Mixed).
7. Description - enter any additional details about the campaign.
8. Post type - select the type of lead posting for this campaign (PING POST, DIRECT POST).
9. Country - select a country for this campaign.
10. Currency - select the currency in the dropdown list.
Commercial settings describe financial configurations of the lead campaign.
1. Tier - assign the buyer campaign to one of the tiers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 0).
2. Duplicate prevention - the number of days, for which a duplicated lead cannot be offered to this campaign (30 is recommended).
3. Payout quality (%) - the percentage of your confidence towards this campaign regarding payout obligations. Payout quality is a dynamic value. When each period is finalized, it's automatically recalculated based on lead returns from this campaign during the finalized period and Inc LR in payout quality setting. However, you still can set it manually according to your preferences.
Payout quality is used in the bidding process. For example, Buyer A has 100% PQ, while Buyer B has 95% PQ. If both buyers bid $10 for a lead, the bid of Buyer A is calculated as 100%**$10 =$10, and Buyer B’s bid is 95% x$10 =$9.50. In this case, Buyer A wins the lead.
4. Floor payout - the minimum payout for one lead from this campaign.
5. Direct bid - the price that the campaign is willing to pay for a lead using a direct post.
Direct bid must be higher than Floor payout.
Quality section contains quality score configurations of the lead campaign.
1. Source quality ceiling - the maximum publisher tier to post leads to this campaign (Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Below average or Poor).
2. Source quality floor - the minimum publisher tier to post leads to this campaign (Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Below average or Poor).
Volume & allocation
Volume & allocation section allows you to configure monthly, weekly, daily and day of week lead caps and budgets for the campaign, as well as several general settings:
1. Lead interval pacing - the minimum interval, in seconds, during which the campaign won't receive any new leads after the previous lead was bought.
If the campaign doesn’t get the lead because of the interval configured, a transaction with LeadIntervalActive buyer result will be displayed in Transactions outbound report.
2. Phone masking cap - the daily limit of leads, for which phone numbers will be masked. This helps to track call metrics like reach time, the number of call attempts, and call duration.
Considering that PX adjusts the lead flow to fill capacities of all campaigns in the platform, there can be a small infelicity in lead caps, meaning that the campaign can receive several leads a day more (or less) than configured.
The next set of configurations is related to lead capacities and budgets for this campaign. By default, No limit is set for each lead capacity and budget.
If no monthly caps are set for the campaign, buyer payout capacity is applied to the campaign.
Leads - the maximum number of leads that this campaign can buy in one month.
- Budget allocation - the monthly budget that can be spent by this campaign.
If monthly lead capacity and/or budget is reached, leads aren't posted to this campaign until the next month starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
Leads - the maximum number of leads that this campaign can buy in one week.
- Budget allocation - the weekly budget that can be spent by this campaign.
If weekly lead capacity and/or budget is reached, leads aren't posted to this campaign until the next week starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
Configure Daily volume & allocation either in a standard or custom way. Select Standard to set the same cap and budget for each day:
Leads - the maximum number of leads that this campaign can buy in a day;
- Budget allocation - the daily budget that can be spent by this campaign.
Click Custom to set different lead caps and budgets for specific days of the week depending on your needs. For example, you can configure different lead caps for Saturday and Sunday, and spend caps for working days:
If any daily lead capacity and/or budget is reached (either standard or custom), leads aren't posted to this campaign until the next day starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
The Goal is the specific disposition status of the lead that the buyer strives to reach (most often - Sale or Customer). Goals are configured on the campaign level together with the expected revenue received by the buyer when it is achieved. Read more about Disposition goals.
1. Target CPA Status - set the desired lead status that matches the target acquisition of the buyer. To remove the goal, select None status.
Target status names may vary per vertical and buyer according to settings on Disposition naming page.
2. Target CPA - set the target revenue the buyer expects to receive when the goal (specific lead status) is reached.
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