My sources page shows connections between you as a private marketplace and your publishers. View private publishers that have ever been connected to your account and manage these connections.
My sources columns
Go to Sources and click My sources at the top right corner. The following columns are displayed:
1. Status - the status of the private connection between you and the private publisher (Active/Inactive). Click the menu to change it:
2. Source column shows the names of private publishers connected and PX Open Exchange as an always active source that includes all publishers that are non-private for you.
3. Source ID - the unique ID of the publisher in PX. Multiple is displayed for PX Open Exchange source.
4. Leads - the number of leads you bought from this source for the selected period.
5. Calls - the number of calls you bought from this source for the selected period.
6. Spend - your payout for the leads bought.
Click Source management to track sales funnel stages for your campaigns and set payout rules for specific source types.
If you don't have private sources yet, no private connections will be displayed. Click Learn more to request more information.
This page can be filtered by date and connection status.
To filter the report by date, click Period and select one of the predefined periods:
Or click the calendar icon and select the first and last dates of the desired period:
Use filtering by status to view only your active or inactive connections:
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