Call overview report shows detailed information about calls to your call campaigns, including vertical, the total number of calls, paid calls and their average duration per each of your call campaigns for the selected period.
Call overview report columns
To view this report, go to Reports -> Call overview report. Click any column heading to sort the report down, and click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display in the Table columns list depending on the information you need.
- Buyer campaign - the name of your call campaign in PX.
- Buyer campaign ID - a unique ID of your campaign.
- Vertical shows the vertical of your campaign.
- Calls - the total number of calls to this campaign for the selected period.
Paid calls - the number of paid calls.
Paid % - the ratio between Paid calls and Calls.
- Spend - the amount of money paid by your campaign to PX.
- Avg duration - the average duration per each paid call (calculated based on data in Transactions call report).
The report can be filtered by date, campaign, and vertical.
To filter the report by date, click Period and select one of the predefined periods:
Or click the calendar icon and select the first and last dates of the desired period:
To filter the report by other parameters, use corresponding drop-down menus:
Enter the necessary name or ID in a Search field if there are no items you need in the list.
Click Reset to view all items in the list.
To export the report, click Export Your Report at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Export Data pop-up window will appear:
Choose the preferred separator and click Proceed.
You will be notified as soon as the export file is ready. To download it, go to Reports -> Report Exports. A page will appear showing all recently requested reports.
To download the report, click Action -> Download as csv or Excel file.
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