Offers overview shows information about all lead and call offers available in the PX platform.
Offers overview columns
To view the list of all offers in PX, log in to your PX platform and go to Offers section. Click any column heading to sort the report down, click one more time to sort it up.
The following columns are displayed:
- Offer name shows the name of the call offer.
- Offer ID - the unique ID of the offer in the PX platform.
- Vertical - the vertical in which the offer was created.
Click Action -> Offer details to view information related to this offer:

Grouping & search
The offer list varies according to the grouping selected:

- API leads (default) - Open Exchange lead offers for API and common publishers.
- Branded pages - Private Marketplace lead offers for Branded publishers, running branded pages for buyers.
- PX Call - Open Exchange call offers with call-specific offer details.
- Other call offers - call offers based on the Invoca system.
- PX Call Lead - offers for Call lead publishers.
API leads, Branded, and Other call offers have standard offer details.
Click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page to make a search by Offer name or ID:
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