Site page allows you manage all sources under the particular site. Only advanced buyers have an access to this page.
To access the site page, go to Site management and click Manage site on the desired site card. A new page appears with two tabs:
Source management
This tab shows all sources related to the selected site:
View the site name, logo, description and preview link for the campaign selected. The table can be sorted by columns. Click any column heading to sort the spreadsheet down, click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display, including general and disposition data points by clicking the gear icon in the upper-right corner:

The following columns are displayed by default:
1. Source ID - the ID of the source that consists of site ID, publisher ID and the last 3 characters of sub ID.
2. Type - the traffic type of this source configured in publisher settings.
3. Available leads - the number of available leads from this site in the campaign vertical.
4. Leads - the number of leads bought from this site during the selected period.
The next 9 columns are based on uploaded disposition data. Some of them are not displayed by default and can be selected in column settings. If on of disposition status was set as a goal in campaign settings, the corresponding column is marked with green (Appointment column on the image above).
5. Contacted - the number leads with Contacted status uploaded in disposition files.
6. Interested - the number leads with Interested status uploaded in disposition files.
7. Quoted - the number leads with Quoted status uploaded in disposition files.
8. Appointment - the number leads with Appointment status uploaded in disposition files.
9. Sales - the number leads with Sale status uploaded in disposition files.
10. Custom value 1, 2, 3 - average values calculated from custom values provided during disposition update (i.e. 129,731 (1) means that custom value for 1 lead was provided, resulting in 129,731 as an average).
11. CPA - calculated CPA based on disposition files uploaded. Check details about CPA in Buyer Performance Report.
12. Status - the current status of the source for this campaign:
- Prioritized - the source was prioritized by the buyer and the campaign will get traffic from it regardless of the quality score;
- Paused - the source or corresponding site was paused by the buyer and no traffic will be received from it;
- On - all sources that were neither paused nor prioritized in All Sources mode and for sites that are On for this campaign;
- Off - sources that are neither paused nor prioritized in Selective Sources or Campaign off modes.
Action menu is displayed for all sources that are paused or off, and visible when hovering over sources that are on or prioritized.
You can pause/unpause or prioritize/deprioritize sources.

For direct post campaigns, you can also edit payout rules per each source. You will be redirected to Payout management of this campaign.
How to pause the site

Make sure you don't pause the relevant site for the campaign. Site pausing has the highest priority and you won't receive any leads from sources related to the paused site, even if they were prioritized.
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