Source management is the core page of the platform that provides you with an opportunity to quickly analyze and optimize the campaign performance based on disposition data for each source presented on one page. You can easily correlate performance and compliance with sources and make more informed decisions.
Track your performance per each source, publisher, site and traffic type in the platform. You can also view the sales funnel graph, add bidding rules and set daily capacity and budget either for the whole campaign or for specific sources, straightaway from one page.
Buyers that regularly upload disposition data will make the most of source management.
How to access
There're several ways to access Source management:
- Go to Sources, select the desired campaign and click Appy filter:

- Go to Dashboard, navigate to Sales funnel card and click Manage your sources:

- go to Campaigns, find the desired campaign and click Action -> Source Management:

Source management columns
Source management page includes the brief description and the date when the last disposition file was uploaded (if there was any).
- Click Site management to view campaign traffic on the site level (available only for advanced buyers)
- Click My sources to view your private connections (for private marketplaces).
Click any column heading to sort the spreadsheet down, click one more time to sort it up.
You can also select columns to display, including sales funnel and disposition data points. Click Table columns and select necessary checkboxes:

The following columns are displayed by default (with Traffic Types selected in Group by list):
1. Type - the traffic type of the source.
2. Available leads - the number of available leads (or calls pings for call & lead campaigns) from this source in the campaign vertical.
3. Total bids - the number of bids that your campaign made according to its bid and filter rules.
4. Bid rate - the ratio between Total bids and Available leads, showing the percentage of leads that matched your campaign’s filter criteria and payout rules out of all Available leads from this source.
5. Won bids - bids won by your campaign from this source.
6. Win rate - the ratio between Won bids and Total bids.
7. Lost bids - the number of bids that were lost by a campaign due to higher competing bids for the same leads, calculated as the difference between Total bids and Won bids.
8. Loss rate - the ratio between Lost bids and Total bids.
9. Acceptance rate - the ratio between Leads and Won bids showing the percentage of leads bought by this campaign out of the total number of won leads from this source.
10. Daily budget - the maximum daily budget amount for a specific traffic type, publisher, sub ID, or site. Total row shows the maximum daily budget set in campaign settings.
11. Daily leads cap - daily leads capacity for a specific traffic type, publisher, sub ID, or site. Total row shows the maximum daily number of leads set in campaign settings.
To edit total and source-specific budgets and caps, follow Manage daily volume in Source management article.
12. Leads - the number of leads / calls & leads bought from this source during the selected period.
The next 7 columns are based on uploaded disposition data. Some of them aren't displayed by default and can be selected in column settings.
- If certain disposition status was set as a goal in campaign settings, the corresponding column is marked with green.
- Change names for disposition columns per vertical and country on Customize disposition definitions page.
13. Contacted - the number of leads / calls & leads with Contacted status uploaded in disposition files.
14. Interested - the number of leads / calls & leads with Interested status uploaded in disposition files.
15. Quoted - the number of leads / calls & leads with Quoted status uploaded in disposition files.
16. Appointment - the number of leads / calls & leads with Appointment status uploaded in disposition files.
17. Sales - the number of leads / calls & leads with Sale status uploaded in disposition files.
18. Custom value 1, 2, 3 - average values calculated from custom values provided during disposition update (i.e. 117,161.75 (4) means that custom values for 4 leads were provided, resulting in 117,161.75 as an average). Select different groupings to view custom values per each site, publisher, or source.
19. CPA - calculated CPA based on disposition files uploaded.
20. CPL - average cost per lead / call & lead from each source (traffic type, publisher, or site, depending on the grouping selected). CPL is calculated as the ratio of total payout for leads from this source to the number of leads bought for the selected period.
21. Quality - an objective quality score on every source you buy from through PX:
- Excellent (71 - 100) - source performs excellently across the entire sales funnel;
- Good (31 - 70) - source performs well across the entire or partial sections of the sales funnel;
- Poor (1 - 30) - source performs below average;
- None (0) - no source performance data;
- New source - the source is new and there aren’t enough leads yet to assess its quality.
Source quality score is customized to your campaigns, adapts to conditions in real-time and considers the entire customer acquisition process. It also makes it much clearer to see where you have opportunities.
When Publishers or Sub IDs are selected in Group by list, additional columns are displayed:
1. Status - the current status of the source for this campaign:
- Prioritized - the source was prioritized by the buyer and the campaign will get traffic from it regardless of the quality score;
- Paused - the source or corresponding site was paused by the buyer and no traffic will be received from it.
- On - all sources that were neither paused nor prioritized in All Sources mode and for sites that are On for this campaign.
- Off - sources that are neither paused nor prioritized in Selective Sources or Campaign off modes.
2. Publisher ID - the unique ID of the lead or call & lead publisher.
3. Tier range (for publishers) shows tier range per lead - for example, 1 - 5, or 1 – 2, Unassigned tiers are not included.
4. Source tier (for sub IDs) shows the most recent tier assigned to the sub ID.
5. Recommended bid - the bid range that indicates the current competitive range for this source. If you bid within the range, you're more likely to win leads from this source.
For grouping by sites, publishers, and sub IDs Action menu is available (based on your level of access). It's displayed for all sources that are paused or off, and visible when hovering over sources that are on or prioritized:

You can pause/unpause, prioritize/deprioritize sources and set bidding rules (for direct post campaigns).
Select campaign mode
Set the status for your campaign in order to start or pause the lead flow. Click the icon near Select campaign field and select one of the following options:
- Active - All sources - campaign is connected to all existing sources: all leads from all publishers and sites from the corresponding vertical will be proposed to your campaign. You still can pause sources that are not relevant for this campaign.
- Active - Selective sources - campaign is active but disconnected from all the sources. Prioritize relevant sources and the campaign will get traffic filtered according to your priorities.
- Paused - campaign is temporarily paused, e.g. for a holiday, long weekend, or any other purpose that requires turning on/off.
- Build mode - campaign is on the integration stage or commercial settings are being defined.
- Deactivated - campaign stops receiving traffic and is disconnected from all the sources.
When you're trying to change campaign status, confirmation pop-up appears to make sure everything is properly configured:

Check your settings and click Confirm if everything is correct.
If you deactivate the campaign, you won't be able to revert that.

Therefore, in order to publish a new campaign and activate the lead flow for it, perform one of the following:
- Select All sources and pause sources that are not relevant.
- Select Selective sources and prioritize sources that are relevant.
When you change the campaign status, please wait until the confirmation pop-up is fully loaded and closed (maximum 7 seconds). This time is necessary for notifying all related platform components about this change.

Grouping and filtering
The page includes 3 Marketplace options:
- All sources tab shows data about all sources in the PX platform available for the selected campaign.
- PX open exchange tab includes only open PX sources available.
- Private marketplaces tab shows private sources available for this campaign. This tab is grouped by Publisher by default.
You can group the table and replace the first column using Group by list. All values will be recalculated:

- Traffic Types – allows configuring bidding rules for the campaign depending on the specific type of traffic.
- Publishers – the table is grouped by publisher ID with options to pause/unpause, prioritize/deprioritize the particular publisher.
- Sub ID – the table is grouped by publisher full sub ID.
- Sites (available only for advanced buyers) – the table is grouped by site ID and you can pause or unpause any site.
The page can be also filtered by period and status.
To filter the table by period, click the date picker and enter or select the preferred period in the calendar:

Select one or several statuses and click Appy filter to stretch the coverage and make corresponding adjustments:

Sales funnel
Click Graph to view Sales funnel chart that visualizes steps of the sales funnel according to disposition statuses. Each step shows the conversion percentage from the initial number of leads. The step considered the goal is highlighted in green:
Hover over the status bar to view average custom value for the selected campaign and date range.
Read more about sales funnel.
To export the report, click Export on the right above the table. A pop-up window will appear:

Choose preferred separator (comma, semicolon or pipe) and click Proceed. A tooltip will appear in the upper right corner of the screen:

You'll be notified as soon as the export file is ready. To download it, go to Report exports and click Action -> Download as CSV.
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