Transactions direct post report shows the information about all API transactions between your system and PX. This report is used to quickly find the information about leads sent from your system to PX, including dates, ID’s of transactions, subs, and offers; emails, phones and IP addresses specified in leads, and API responses with an option to view error messages explaining why leads weren't accepted by PX.
Transactions direct post columns
To view this report, go to Reports -> Transactions direct post report.
Click any column heading to sort the report down, click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display depending on the information you need. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select necessary data points.
The following columns are displayed in the report:
- Date is the date of the inbound transaction.
- Vertical is a lead generation niche, in which the lead was submitted.
- Transaction ID is a unique ID of the transaction sent in the lead's information or generated by PX.
- Publisher ID is your unique ID as a publisher.
- Sub ID is tracking parameter that reflects you as a publisher in different verticals and/or shows where your traffic comes from.
- Email shows the email address specified in the lead.
- Phone shows the phone number specified in the lead.
- IP Address shows the IP address of the lead.
- API response shows responses received from the PX API:
- BaeOK - if the incoming lead is accepted by PX.
- BaeNOK - if PX didn't accept the lead due to any problems with the information specified in the lead.
Rows with BaeNOK response are marked with red. Point the cursor on BaeNOK to view the reason and extra information describing the error occurred (inbound result):
If you need to copy the error message, you can also click BaeNOK to see the pop-up window containing the same information:
Click Action -> Inbound data to view your request with the information about incoming lead in a pop-up window:
Click Close to dismiss the pop-up.
Search & filters
Transactions Direct Post Report can be filtered by date, inbound result, vertical, and offer.
To filter the report by date, click on the date picker and select the preferred period or click the first and last dates of the period in the calendar.
To filter the report by inbound result, vertical or offer, use appropriate drop-down menus:
Enter the necessary item in Search field if there is no item you need in the list. Click Reset to view all items in the list.
Click Search by to make a search by Transaction ID or Email in the report:
To export the report, click Export Your Report above the table. Export data pop-up window will appear:
Choose the preferred separator and click Proceed.
You will be notified as soon as the export file is ready. To download it, go to Reports -> Export Downloads. A page will appear showing all recently requested reports.
Click Action -> Download as csv to receive the report CSV file.
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