Source quality report shows the quality of your sources (combination of the lead campaign and publisher sub ID) and the reasons behind it. This report is used to predict the information about the quality of leads coming from the selected publisher and sub ID.
Source quality report columns
To view this report, go to Reports -> Source quality report.
Click any column heading to sort the report down, click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display depending on the information you need. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner and select necessary data points.
The following columns are displayed:
- Publisher – your name as a publisher.
- Type – your publisher type depending on how leads are captured (Mobile, Call Center, Search, Email, Premium Display, Path, Contextual, Mobile Premium Display, Offer Wall, Mobile Path, and All/Mixed).
- Campaign ID is a unique ID of the lead campaign.
- Publisher ID is a unique ID of the publisher.
- Sub ID is a tracking parameter that reflects you as a publisher in different verticals and/or shows where your traffic comes from.
- Conversions – the number of conversions for the selected period.
- Category is the quality category of the lead source (Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Below average or Poor).
- Quality – the quality score of the source.
- Vertical is your lead generation niche.
- Last Attempt shows how many days ago this source was last seen in PX. For example, 7 means that the last action (lead was sent in) was 7 days ago, 0 means today.
- IP Check % – the percentage of leads where IP matches the state specified in the lead.
Source quality report can be filtered by date. Click on the date picker and select the preferred period or click the first and last dates of the period in the calendar.
To visualize the report, select Column chart:
Column chart has a Publisher filter and a filter where columns of the report (Conversions, Quality, IP Check) can be selected for visual display:
Point the cursor on any column to see the tooltip.
To export the report, click Export your report at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Export Data pop-up window will appear:
Choose the preferred separator and click Proceed.
You will be notified as soon as the export file is ready. To download it, go to Reports -> Export Downloads. A page will appear showing all recently requested reports.
Click Download to receive the report CSV file.
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