Click to lead report is an extensive overview of impressions, clicks, conversions, your revenue, and online marketing metrics (CTR, CR, CPM, CPC, CPA). In addition, the report aggregates clicks and conversions based on different mobile filters such as mobile device type, mobile carrier, mobile device brand, and operating system version.
Click to lead report columns
To view this report, go to Reports -> Click to lead report.
Click any column heading to sort the report down, click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display in a Table columns list depending on the information you need:

By default, not all available columns are displayed. Scroll the list to find the necessary data.
The following columns are displayed:
- Period shows a month, week, day, or hour (depending on the grouping selected), for which the information is presented.
- Publisher sub ID 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are tracking parameters that reflect you as a publisher in different verticals and show where your traffic comes from.
- Publisher source - the lead source sent from your platform (if there was any).
- Offer ID - a unique ID of the offer.
- Offer - the name of the offer.
- Offer URL shows where traffic flows after a user clicks on the ad (Default means there was no such a parameter in the offer tracking link).
- Browser shows a user’s browser where impressions and conversions are tracked.
- Country – the country where the click comes from.
- Impressions show how many times an ad was viewed by Internet users or displayed on a web page.
- Clicks show the general number of clicks.
- Conversions – the number of conversions for which pixels were sent.
- Cost shows the money PX pays you according to your configurations.
- CTR (Click-through rate) shows the ratio of Clicks to Impressions.
- CPM (Cost per thousand) – the price per 1,000 impressions on one webpage.
- CPC (Cost per click) – the money PX pays you when an Internet user clicks your ad.
- CPA (Cost per action) – the money PX pays you for a conversion.
- Mobile carrier - service provider of the mobile device.
- Device model - mobile device type.
- Device brand - mobile device brand.
- Device OS - mobile device operating system.
- Device OS version - version of the device operating system.
- Offer operating system - the operating system desired for this offer (is there's any).
- City - the city of the offer.
- Region - the region of the offer.
Grouping & filtering
You can group the report by two parameters: time (Day, Week, Month) and report column. Select item(s) you need and click Apply filter:
You can also filter the report by date, offer and browser.
To filter the report by date, click Period and select one of the predefined periods:

Or click the calendar icon and select the first and last dates of the desired period:

Enter the necessary value in a Search field if there is no item you need in the list.
Click Reset to view default items in the list.
To visualize the report, click Graph arrow and select two columns of the report for visual display:
Place the cursor on any point to see the tool-tip.
To export the report, click Export your report at the top of the page. Export Data pop-up window appears:

Choose the preferred separator and click Proceed. You will be notified as soon as the export file is ready.
To download it, go to Reports -> Export Downloads. A page will appear showing all recently requested reports.
Click Action ->Download as csv to receive the report file.
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