Transactions outbound report shows the information about all API transactions between PX and your platform. This report is used to quickly find the data about leads sent from PX, including dates, publishers, transaction payouts, buyer campaigns, information about sold leads or error messages explaining why leads were not sold.
This report is crucial for troubleshooting when it is unclear what happened to the lead.
Transactions outbound report columns
To view this report, go to Reports -> Transactions outbound report.
Click any column heading to sort the report down, and click one more time to sort it up.
Select columns to display in Table columns list depending on the information you need:

The following columns are displayed in the report:
- Post date is the date of the transaction.
- Publisher ID is a unique ID of the publisher that sent the lead.
- Sub ID is a tracking parameter that shows where the publisher's traffic comes from.
- Payout - spending of the campaign for leads from the corresponding source.
- Email shows the email address specified in the lead. Click the email to see the Leads overview for this email.
- Buyer ID - the unique ID of your campaign.
- Buyer campaign is the name of your campaign.
- Post type shows the type of the request according to the posting type (Ping, Post or Direct Post, or the error name).
- Result shows success status of the lead sale or the error message if it wasn't sold.
- Buyer request duration shows how long it took for the buyer to reply to the PX API request.
- Lead GUID shows an internal unique ID of the lead generated in PX platform.
When the lead was sold to your campaign, there is an Action button, including the link to Lead preview and two more options:

- Request data - view transaction data sent by PX in a pop-up window.
- Response data - view transaction data that your API sent to PX in a pop-up window.
Search & filters
Transactions outbound report can be filtered by date, buyer campaign, buyer result, post type, and vertical.
To filter the report by date, click Period and select one of the predefined periods:

Or click the calendar icon and select the first and last dates of the desired period:

To filter the report by other parameters, use corresponding drop-down menus:
Enter the necessary item in a Search field if there's no item you need in the list. Click Reset to select all items in the list.
You can also make a search by Email or Lead GUID. Click the search icon next to the report description and paste the necessary value in the field that appears:
To export the report, click Export on the right above the table. A pop-up window will appear:

- Choose the preferred separator (Comma, Semicolon or Pipe);
- Select whether to include Request and response data (No by default) - if No, the export file will be processed faster;
- Click Proceed.
You'll be notified as soon as the export file is ready. To download it, go to Reports -> Report exports. A page will appear showing all recently requested reports.
Сlick Action -> Download as CSV.
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