Disposition API allows buyers to submit their disposition status updates for leads and calls following through their sales funnel to PX. It is designed to simplify and speed up the buyer integration, allowing to fully automate disposition changes in the exact time when the status is changed in the buyer's platform. Continuously updated data helps to analyze and optimize campaign performance.
What is different about Disposition API
- Disposition status is updated for 1 lead or call at a time, not in bulk as during the file upload.
- Buyers must use only lead GUID or call GUID as identifier instead of emails or phone numbers.
- Buyers must use only PX internal disposition statuses instead of mapping their vertical-specific statuses as during file upload.
Status meaning varies depending on the vertical:
Home Services
- 0 - You were never able to get a hold of the lead/consumer
- 1 - You established contact with the consumer, but were unable to get into the sales pitch
- 2 - You established contact with the consumer and were able to go into the sales process (either qualifying or disqualifying the consumer)
- 3 - You qualified the consumer and were able to schedule an appointment with them
- 4 - Your sales agent ran the appointment/demo with the consumer
- 5 - You sold the consumer on your product/service
- 0 - You were never able to get a hold of the lead/consumer
- 1 - You established contact with the consumer, but were unable to get into the sales pitch
- 2 - You established contact with the consumer and were able to go into the sales process (either qualifying or disqualifying the consumer)
- 3 - You qualified the consumer and were able to give them a quote
- 4 - You were able to have the consumer apply for the insurance product you offer
- 5 - You sold the consumer on one of your insurance products
Financial Services
- 0 - You were never able to get a hold of the lead/consumer
- 1 - You established contact with the consumer, but were unable to get into the sales pitch
- 2 - You established contact with the consumer and were able to go into the sales process (either qualifying or disqualifying the consumer)
- 3 - You qualified the consumer and were able to pull their credit
- 4 - You were able to have the consumer apply for a loan
- 5 - You were able to lock the interest rate in with the consumer
Home Security
- 0 - You were never able to get a hold of the lead/consumer
- 1 - You established contact with the consumer, but were unable to get into the sales pitch
- 2 - You established contact with the consumer and were able to go into the sales process (either qualifying or disqualifying the consumer)
- 3 - You qualified the consumer and were able to schedule an appointment with them
- 4 - You were able to sell the consumer on your product/service
- 5 - You were able to install the product into the consumer's home
Integrate a buyer
API specification for disposition is publicly available at developer.px.com.
To receive access to the API, a buyer needs to request a partner token from PX manager.
Once the buyer has the token - they can start sending post requests, using the required and optional parameters below.
Required parameters:
- funnelState - which disposition status that must be updated (Reset, Contacted, Interested, Quoted, Appointment, Sale)
- objectGuid - shows what particular lead or call this disposition is about (Lead GUID / Call GUID)
- objectType - identifies the product category, which this disposition is related to (Lead / Call)
Optional parameters:
- customValue1, customValue2, customValue3 - custom values similar to disposition file upload
- changeTime - the date and time when this particular status change happened on the buyer side.
- dispositionText - original disposition status received from the buyer for the Lead or Call. T
dispositionText sent in API reqiest is reflected in Original disposition column of Disposition API report, Leads overview.
This field is also available in filter management & API Builder for Education endpoint campaigns.
campaignIds - the list of campaigns to include in Disposition attribution. If omitted - all campaigns are automatically included.
changeTime parameter is used as the Conversion date in PX reports in cases when the corresponding status converted to the disposition goal.
Test API connection
As soon as buyers have a Partner token, they can experiment with Disposition API right from the documentation page. Click Try it to run requests without writing any code:
Fill in headers and body of the request, send your request to API and check the response.
You can also track your transactions in Disposition API report in PX platform.
Disposition API is developed using the Open API standard and provides the documentation, which enables PX partners to utilize broad ecosystem of tools compatible with this standard, and use code auto-generation to wrap API specification and dump it to the tool. It creates a code to integrate our platforms with minimum effort involved.
Disposition API documentation is auto-generated, so whenever we make any changes in code - it is updated automatically.
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