Send Test Leads step allows testing the stability of the integration between two APIs by sending configurable test leads.
This step consists of two blocks:
1. Lead Templates block on the left with a list of lead templates, which varies depending on a vertical:

2. Testing block with Partial and Complete testing options and Change Test Lead Data area:
Partial Test Flow
Partial testing allows you to get prepared for complete testing and check if mappings configured on Step 2 work properly before sending the request to the buyer API.
In the request code received, you can see how custom dates, phones, and VINs are formatted for different leads as well as check whether all perform checks, field cloning and indexing are mapped correctly.
Partial testing is a handy tool for fixing all minor code mistakes, checking missing or extra symbols (commas, quotes, etc.) in order to avoid sending incorrect requests to the buyer API.
Complete Test Flow
Complete test sends the request to the Test Post URL specified on Step 1. Complete testing includes all lead processing steps and shows the response from buyer API on our request.
Change Test Lead Data
Change Test Lead Data option allows modifying standard test leads in case if buyer API requires fields to be sent in a particular format.
Only fields that are mandatory in PX specification are available for testing.
Sending Test Leads
To send a test lead with a particular field value, follow these instructions:
1. Select a preferred test lead in the Lead Templates block:

2. Click Change Test Lead Data, select fields you wish to edit and enter the test value into the field that appears.
3. Select Partial test flow and click Test to check how the request is processed:

As soon as the partial test is done, you will get the output in the PING code area for the request created by PX according to your configurations from the first 2 steps of API configuration:

If any errors occur, follow our Troubleshooting Guide and go back to the Step 2 to fix them.
5. If everything is well, select Complete test flow and click Test to check how the request is processed.
When testing dates, enter date in PX format (yyyy-MM-dd). Otherwise, test will not work properly.
As soon as the Complete test is done, you will get the output in the POST RESPONSE code area for the response received by PX from the buyer API according to configurations on Step 3.
If any errors occur, follow our Troubleshooting Guide and go back to Step 3 to fix them.
If this campaign has Ping/Post Distribution type and POST RESPONSE code area is empty, it means there are errors in ping request.
Repeat the integration testing procedure as many times as necessary. It is recommended to perform the complete testing procedure for all available test leads from Lead Templates block.
To get Success response, adjust test lead data using values that will be accepted by one of the campaigns.
Click Save and continue to proceed with the next step of API configuration.
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