Create Connection step allows basic configuration of lead delivery between two APIs of buyer and PX.
This step consists of the following blocks:
- Basic Information
- Configure API
- Authentication Method (API request post type)
- HTTP Headers (API request post type)
- Email Delivery (Email post type)
Basic Information
This block contains general information about this campaign such as name and industry.
1. Campaign Name is pre-filled and contains the name of the campaign that was selected for API configuration.
2. Vertical shows the Vertical of this campaign. Select another vertical if you need. This field determines a set of fields mapped on Step 2.
Configure API
This block contains configurations of lead delivery types and their attributes. All configurations for this block are usually taken from the buyer’s specification.
Configure the following:
1. Post Type:
- API Request (default) – lead delivery via sending a request to Buyer’s API. API request type is used in most campaigns.
- Email post type is used by buyers that get leads by email. If Email is selected, API configuration procedure for this campaign is simplified. Follow How to Set Up Email Post Campaign article for more details.
2. Lead Type – the sales model for this campaign (Exclusive, Shared, or Undersold).
3. Distribution Type – the type of lead delivery for this campaign (Ping Post, Direct + Price Reject or Direct Post).
4. Post Connection Type – the type of the connection between two APIs (GET or POST (as default)).
If buyer specification doesn't contain a particular post connection type, it is recommended to select POST.
5. Ping Content Type (for Ping/Post distribution type) - the content type of the ping request to buyer API (application/json, application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/html, text/xml, text/xml charset=utf-8).
6. Post Content Type - the content type of the post request to buyer API (application/json, application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/html, text/xml, text/xml charset=utf-8).
7. Ping Timeout Limit (for Ping/Post distribution type) - a time limit for a buyer to respond to a ping before the system times out (25 (as default) or 60). Timeout limit is changed to non-default only in very special cases.
8. Post Timeout Limit – a time limit for a buyer to respond to a post before the system times out (25 or 60 (as default)). Timeout limit is changed to non-default only in very special cases.
Authentication Method (API request post type)
Configurations set in this block are used to test API connection on Step 4. Similar configurations for live are set on Step 5. All information for this block is taken from the buyer’s specification.
If the buyer has test environment mentioned in the specification that can be used for sending test leads, all this information is used in this block. Otherwise, live settings are used here.
1. Test Ping URL (for Ping/Post distribution type) – enter the buyer’s staging/test link for ping to verify the setup.
2. Test Post URL – enter the buyer’s test link for post to verify the setup.
3. Choose An Authentication Method – select an authentication method of API connection specified in buyer’s specification:
- Username – if selected, enter appropriate credentials into Test Username and Test Password fields.
- API key – if selected, enter appropriate credentials into Test API Key Name and Test API Key Value fields.
- Header is used in case specification contains other data instead of Username or API Key that is not included in the request body. Enter appropriate credentials into Test Header Name and Test Header Value fields.
- None (as default) is used if a buyer doesn't require authentication or parameters can be sent in the request body.
HTTP Headers (API request post type)
This is an additional block, which allows creation multiple headers if necessary. Click the green plus icon to add a header and fill in the following fields:
1. Header Type - select the type from the dropdown menu (Ping, Post or Both).
2. Header Name – enter the name of the Header.
3. Header Value – enter the value of the Header.
Click the green plus icon to add one more header. Click the red minus icon is you need to delete a header.
Email Delivery (Email post type)
This block is related to Email post type and allows configuring test email settings, which are usually described in the buyer specification.
1. Test Email Address – enter one or several emails for testing the setup. Press space, enter or comma on your keyboard to separate several emails.
2. Test CC Recipients (optional) - enter the email address(es) to send them a copy of the email. The list of CC recipients will be visible to all people who receive this email.
3. Test BBC Recipients (optional) - enter the email address(es) to send them a copy of the email. The list of BBC recipients isn't visible to anyone.
4. Test Email Subject – enter email subject from the buyer’s specification.
Read more about configuration of email post campaigns.
Click Save and continue at the bottom of the step to proceed with the next step of API configuration.
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