Call & Lead campaign is a set of your configurations created in the PX platform in order to start a call & lead flow between your system and PX publishers.
To view and edit settings of the existing campaign, go to Campaigns, find the desired call campaign and click Action -> Campaign settings.
Campaign settings page appears, including the following sections:
- Campaign settings:
There are also links to configuration pages related to this campaign:
- API configuration
- Filter management
- Verification services
- Bid management (when Bid management is set to Yes in Commercial settings)
To make changes, click Edit.
General information
View basic configurations of your call & lead campaign.
1. Buyer shows your name as a PX buyer, to which the campaign belongs.
2. Campaign ID shows the unique ID of this campaign.
3. Category shows Call & Lead category selected during campaign creation.
4. Vertical - a vertical of the campaign.
5. Campaign name - the name of the campaign.
It is recommended to combine Buyer name and Vertical (e.g. BuyerNameAuto) in order to keep data organized and simplify the support process. Avoid special characters.
6. Description (optional) - enter any additional campaign details.
7. Post type - the type of lead posting for this campaign (PING POST or DIRECT POST).
8. Country - country for this campaign.
9. Currency - currency for this campaign.
Set financial configurations of your call & lead campaign:
Duplicate prevention - the number of days, for which a duplicated call cannot be offered to this campaign (30 is recommended).
If Duplicate prevention is set on the buyer level, that setting is applied to all campaigns of this buyer and can't be edited in campaign settings. In such a case, the field looks like this:
Call destination routing
Configure where calls to this campaigns should be routed.
1. Destination network - select the type of network, to which calls should be routed:
- PSTN - regular phone number;
- SIP - virtual phone number.
2. Destination number - specify the phone number, to which calls should be forwarded for this campaign.
- Your campaigns can have the same destination number.
- Assigning a new number to the campaign can take up to 15 minutes to update.
3. Availability API - select on which stage of the call & lead flow PX should call to buyer's agent availability API, depending on buyer integration:
- Disabled - disregard settings from Availability API block.
- Call
- Ping
Ping & Call (both stages)
Define which calls should be paid and in which amount:
1. Call payout (when Bid management is set to Yes in Commercial settings) - your payout for the successful call.
2. Call duration - the minimum call duration in minutes and seconds that defines the call as successful and eligible for the payout.
3. Repeated calls - select whether repeated calls should be paid by this campaign:
- Paid - all repeated calls are processed and paid as usual;
Not paid (by default)- repeated calls are not paid if they come within the specified period below.
Availability API
Availability API block allows call buyers to optimize their budgets by rejecting or rerouting calls when their сall center agents are too busy.
PX can send a request to the call center API to check if there're agents available to answer a call:
- If agents are available, the call is routed to this campaign
- If not, the call is terminated or routed to another campaign.
Make the following configurations:
1. URL - enter the link to the buyer’s API endpoint.
2. Post type - select post type for requests to buyer API (Get or POST).
3. Success regex - regular expression that parses responses received from API. If it matches the buyer response, the call is routed, otherwise call is offered to other campaigns.
For some integrations, Success regex matches buyer response only if the response includes one of HTTP codes configured in Expected HTTP codes field.
4. Request template (for POST requests) allows to include additional parameters into the request to buyer API:
- Caller phone number - <%InboundCall.CallerNumber%>
- Promo number - <%InboundCall.PromoNumber%>
- Offer ID - <%InboundCall.CallOfferId%>
5. Headers (optional) - headers that should be sent in the request if required by buyer. Enter in the format [header name]:[value].
6. Expected HTTP codes (optional) - enter HTTP status codes sent by buyer API that are accepted as expected results.
7. Stop routing on HTTP error (Yes/No depending on the agreement between PX and the buyer) - select whether to stop routing the call when buyer API replies for too long in cases like the following:
- response timeout (default timeout is 5s)
- domain certificate expired
- domain name changed and wasn't updated.
Click Test to send a test request and check if API is reachable and your request is processed correctly according to configurations:
As a result, you can see the following information:
- Would call be routed - whether the call was routed to the campaign (No in our case because HTTP Code is 400, which wasn't included in Success result codes list)
- Request content that was sent to buyer API
- API reply - the response received from the buyer
- HTTP code - 400 (Bad request), which indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error.
Make sure Availability API is not Disabled in Call destination routing, otherwise, settings won't be applied.
Set base time intervals for the days of the week so that the campaign receives calls only when the buyer's call center is operating.
Two options for Hours of operation are available:
- Open 24/7 (set by default) - campaign accepts calls 7 days a week without any time limit;
- Custom - click to make manual configurations:
- Select Open checkbox next to each day of the week when this campaign can receive the calls (all days are unchecked by default). When the day is selected, other fields become active.
- Click to set Start and Closing time for selected days. Use arrow buttons or pick hours.
- Use additional time slots to set several time periods for the same day. To add it, click Action-> Add time slot:
To remove it, click Action -> Remove time slot:
Calls outside of Hours block settings won’t be routed to this campaign, and if it’s the only campaign for this call, it’s registered with NoBuyer result in Transaction calls report.
Set base geo-restrictions on caller origins, from which campaign receives calls.
Two options for Regions of operation are available:
- Unrestricted (set by default) - campaign accepts calls from any region without limitations.
- Custom - allows setting one of alternative Target region levels:
- States - select one or multiple US states to set the target regions for this campaign (by default, all states are selected);
- ZIP codes - enter, paste the list of target ZIP codes separated by a comma or line break; drag and drop the file (.txt, .csv) into the area or click to upload it:
The option can't be saved unless there’s at least one ZIP code in the area.
The call outside these configurations isn’t routed to this campaign, and if it’s the only campaign for this call, it’s registered with NoBuyer result in Transaction calls report.
Volume & allocation
Сonfigure monthly, weekly, daily, and day-of-week caps and budgets for the campaign. By default, No limit is set for each call capacity and budget. Call campaign caps and budgets are updated once in 5 minutes when PX reports are synchronized with Twillio.
Concurrent cap is the number of calls that can be accepted by the campaign at once:
If the concurrent cap is set to 1, when the campaign processes one call, the next call won’t be routed to this campaign until the first call is finished. To disable concurrent calls limit, select No limit option.
If no monthly caps are set for the campaign, buyer payout capacity is applied to the campaign.
Leads - the maximum number of calls & leads that this campaign can buy in one month.
- Budget allocation - the monthly budget that can be spent on this campaign.
If monthly capacity and/or budget is reached, calls are not forwarded to this campaign until the next month starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
Leads - the maximum number of calls that this campaign can buy in one week.
- Budget allocation - the weekly budget that can be spent by this campaign.
If weekly capacity and/or budget is reached, calls are not forwarded to this campaign until the next week starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
Daily volume & allocation can be set in a standard or custom way. Select Standard to configure the same cap and budget for each day:
Leads - the maximum number of calls that this campaign can buy in a day.
- Budget Allocation - the daily budget that can be spent on this campaign.
Click Custom to set different call caps and budgets for specific days of the week depending on your needs. For example, you can configure different call caps for Saturday and Sunday, and spend caps for working days:
If any daily capacity and/or budget is reached (either standard or custom), calls are not forwarded to this campaign until the next day starts or this cap (budget) is increased.
The Goal is the specific disposition status of the call that the buyer strives to reach (most often - Sale or Qualified). Read more about Disposition goals.
Set the goal for the campaign with the expected revenue received by the buyer when it is achieved:
- Target CPA Status - set the desired disposition status that matches the goal of the buyer. To remove the goal, select None status.
- Target CPA - set the target revenue the buyer expects to receive when the goal (specific status) is reached.
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